



1.蓄电池,( secondary ) cell or battery。
2.蓄电池组(secondary) battery、(rechargeable)、 batterystorage battery。
3.铅酸蓄电池,lead-acid battery。
4.充电,charge (of a battery);放电,discharge。
6.开路电压,open circuit voltage、off-load voltage。
7.标称电压,nominal voltage,用来鉴别蓄电池类型的适当的电压近似值。
8.密封蓄电池,sealed cell;免维护蓄电池,maintenance-free battery。
9.锂离子电池:Lithium ion batteries copyright dedecms
1.活性物质,active material。
2.极板,plate (of a battery);正极板,positive plate;负极板,negative plate。
3.涂膏式极板,grid type plate、pasted plate;管式极板,tubular plate。
4.隔板,separator (of a battery );电解质、电解液,electrolyte。
5.极群组、plate pack,由隔板和正、负极板组组成的部件。
6.端子、板柱,terminal (of a battery);正极端子、正极柱,positive terminal;负极端子、负极柱,negative terminal。
8.密封剂、封口剂,sealing compound。
9.排气阀,vent valve,在超过内压时,允许气体逸出,而不允许空气进入的部件。
10.连接条、连接线,intercell conncctor;蓄电池架,battery rack。
2.能量容量,energy capacity (of a battery),能量单位,通常用瓦时表示。
3.放电率,discharge rate ,蓄电池放电时用安培表示的电流。
4.充电率,charge rate,蓄电池充电时用安培表示的电流。
5.终止电压,final voltage、cut-off voltage。
6.充电效率、安时效率,charge efficiency、ampere-hour efficiency。
7.能量效率、瓦时效率,energy efficiency、watt-hour efficiency。 
8.初始温度,initial temperature;环境温度,ambient temperature。
9.电动势温度系数,temperature coefficient of electromotive force。
10.容量温度系数,temperature coefficient of capacity。
11.负载电压,on-load voltage。
12.初始电压,initial voltage;平均电压,mean voltage。
13充电终止电压,end-of-charge voltage。
14.循环,cycle;使用寿命,service life;额定容量,rated capacity。
15.析气,gassing;短路电流,short-circuit current;自放电,self-discharge。
16.热失控,thermal runaway,在恒压充电期间发生的一种临界状态。此时,蓄电池的电流及温度发生一种累积的互相增强的作用并逐渐增强导致蓄电池的损坏。
17.过充电,overcharge;(完)全充电(状)态,fully charged state。
1.恒流充电,constant current charge;恒压充电,constant voltage charge;初充电,initial charge。
2.涓流充电,trickle charge,为补偿自放电,使蓄电池保持在近似完全充电状态的连续小电流充电。
3.均衡充电,equalizing charge,为确保蓄电池组中的所有单体蓄电池完全充电的一种延续充电。
铅酸蓄电池      Lead-acid battery
起动铅酸电池    Lead-acid starter batteries
摩托车用铅酸电池        Lead-acid batteries for motorcycles
内燃机车用铅酸电池      Lead-acid batteries for disel locomotive
电动道路车辆用铅酸电池  Lead-acid batteries for electric road vehicles
小型阀控密封式铅酸电池  small-sized valve-regulated lead-acid batteries
航空用铅酸电池  Aircraft lead-acid batteries
固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池      Lead-acid batteries for stationary valve-regulated
铅酸电池用极板  plate for lead-acid battery 
铅锭    lead ingots
牵引用铅酸电池  Lead-acid traction batteries
Lead-acid Storage Batteries Used For Energy Store  
Lithium Battery Series
Lead-acid Battery Series For UPS
Lead-acid Battery Series For Energy Storage
Lead-acid Battery Series For Electric Motorcycles
Lead-acid Battery Beries For Electric Vehicles
Lead-acid Battery Series For Electric-powered Bicycles
Energy storage for wind power generating system
Energy storage for solar power generating system
Batteries for scooters------------Applicable to models of electric vehicles scooters and electric bikes
Batteries for electric bikes -----Applicable to models of electric vehicles: electric bikes and light electric vehicles
Batteries for light electric vehicles -----Applicable to models of electric vehicles: electric bikes and light electric vehicles
Batteries for electric motorcycles ------Applicable to models of electric vehicles: light electric vehicles and electric motorcycles
Batteries for electric tricycles ----------Applicable to models of electric vehicles: light electric motorcycles and electric tricycles
Batteries for electric fork-lift trucks ------Applicable to models of electric vehicles: electric fork-lift trucks
Batteries for electric car -------------------Applicable to models of electric vehicles: electric cars
Solar and wind energy storage batteries  Fields of application: energy storage for wind power generating system, energy storage for solar power generating system, communication system, signal system, backup system of emergency lighting
solar batteries太阳能电池
gel batteries  胶体蓄电池
VRLA batteries阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池 Valve-Regulated-Lead-Acid batteries
Uninterruptible Power Supply====UPS  不间断电源